『Phillipine期待の新人Artist ‘Space Moses’ が2nd Single ‘El Niño’ を公開。
SpacyでRomanticな1st Single ‘Homesick’ に続く今作は、まさかの4つ打ちDisco Rock Tune!1stに続き ‘NEXXFRIDAY’ との共同ProduceによるFreshなBeatに、Space Mosesの歌声がMatchした唯一無二の楽曲となっています。
今回Space Mosesから自己紹介と’El Niño’に込められたヒントを含めたCommentも貰ったので併せてCheckしてください。 』
C: Philippines
T: El Niño
A: Space Moses
F: Single
L: Space Moses
R: 2020/05/15
Words from Space Moses:
About Space Moses:
So I’m Space Moses 20 y.o a multi instrumentalist born and raised in Rizal, Philippines. I started my career playing in small open jams, until I met a few like-minded friends of mine (kiyo, alisson shore, because etc).
About “Homesick” & “El Niño”:
My first single ‘Homesick’ released about 3 months ago, is about having someone whom your heart belongs to and its a pain not being by their side.
My latest single ‘El Niño’ is about the tension between pleasures and it’s consequences known or unknown. I included some hints in the visualizer as to what inspired that song.
Message to fans:
Bit of a cliche to stress it even further but I wouldn’t be really where I am without you. So yeah I’ll do my part and make more music. Hang tight because Dyecast will be taking over.
Space Moses
IG: @spacemoses_
TW: @space_moses
Genius: Space-moses