Introducing the artist “1秒天使9 ( ichi-byou-thenshi-kyuu / 1 second angel 9 ),” a rising star who has suddenly emerged in the contemporary art scene. Take a look at the wonderful works that seem to visualize the pure sensitivity lying deep within the self.
※ Layout ※
Image of the artwork
Artist’s description
Texture images × 3

It’s a magical time.
It might be a picture of an ogre,
but maybe it’s a little cute too.

【100 Pieces】
Faces are being born from faces,

【Structure of the Sky】
Come now, chasing the sun

【Star Boy】
Stars have personalities

(means “Bounce” in Japanese)
But I don’t know where it’s going

【Lilith, the Cotton Thief】
Something forbidden will be done

At first, the eyes were one with the red.
It was consuming color itself.

The boy I met in a dream said,
“I’ll give you my heart.”
When I woke up, this painting was there.

They are all heading towards the door.
The fact that it’s coming from the right
means that this door is inevitable.

【The Bird That Came from the Right】
A bird passed through my head.
Since it came from the right,
this bird knows many things.

【The Black Person】
An emotion that became a star

At first, It was surprised

【Territory Ellie】
It will knock

It’s when the past and the future, another dimension, and the consciousness that had been stuck somewhere, the one that I had forgotten, all came back.

【Angel’s Afterimage】
Since the angel was there, you were there too

【The Thinking of an Outsider】
The body became full of arrows.

【I wanNA be a MONSTER!】


【(Child’s) Hug】
Please hug me

The moment released by Red.

What do you think?
I actually wrote a lot, but I decided not to add anything this time, as it might be noise in front of the works of “1 second angel 9.”
The exhibition will start on March 25 at the “Sho+1” gallery in Ueno, so be sure to experience the artwork for yourself.

a two-person exhibition
by ‘Reon Otsuka’ and ‘1 Second Angel 9’
”Frenzy or Entropy?”
Sho+1 is pleased to present a two-person exhibition by Reon Otsuka and 1 Second Angel 9 “Frenzy or Entropy ?” from March 25 (Tue) to April 19 (Sat), 2025.
The works by two artists that were introduced to one another in the group exhibition, called “new age entropy” in 2023 have evolved their unique expressions.
Reon Otsuka, who used to create his works by confronting his own violent nature, has shifted his production style to “taking a break from thinking” and “creating what he genuinely feels is beautiful” as if he makes himself intuitive.
1 Second Angel 9 who merges AI-like anonymity and shamanic elements is not restricted by the traditional framework of art, but her expressions based upon “one’s sensitivity”are not a mere work by the individual;they would rather be considered as what exists massive or connected with unconscious field.
While the works by Otsuka’s expressions are created between contingency and control, 1 Second Angel 9 are born under the circumstance that she is automatically drawn by something.
How will the works of these two contrasting artists resonate with each other?
We hope you will take this opportunity to see the presentation of “creativity and possibility”.
Date:March 25th – April 19th, 2025
Time:12:00 – 18:00 / Closed on Mon. Sun. Holiday
Place:at Sho+1
(1F Ueno Yokoyama Building, 1-4-8 Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0005, Japan)
※Opening reception:March 25th (Tue) 18:00 – 20:00
[JP🇯🇵]1秒天使9 ( ichi-byou-thenshi-kyuu / 1 second angel 9 )
IG: @1sec_angel9
IG: @shoplus1
X: @Shoplusone_sho