[PH🇵🇭/MY🇲🇾/CH🇨🇳]LONER feat. Shelhiel – ‘Make Noise'(Lyrics) [en]

[PH🇵🇭/MY🇲🇾/CH🇨🇳]LONER feat. Shelhiel – ‘Make Noise'(Lyrics) [en]

『Philippine’s finest ‘LONER’, the future of ADM (Asian Dance Music), has released a new song ‘Make Noise’ featuring Chinese-Malaysian remarkable artist ‘Shelhiel’. Nice tune with the positive message by loner’s gently vocal & Shelhiel’s silky vocal match on LONER’s iconic smooth uk garage track. Keep check the LONER’s move to connect S.E.A. (South East Asia).』

C: Philippines, China
T: Make Noise
F: Shelhiel
F: Single
R: 2021/11/12

LONER feat. Shelhiel – ‘Make Noise'(Lyrics)

Body, Body, Body flow with the beat yea yea

Always talking to myself
Keepin’ it all in my head
Outta sight, outta mind
Don’t want you to care

I think I’m spending too much time alone
Wasting hours on the phone

Let’s make some noise
They can’t avoid
Can’t waste no time
Find your design

Design, design, design, design
Design, design, design, design
Design, design, design, design
Design, design, design, design

小时候妈妈 (Ever since I was young)
给我取名说我是颗星 (My mom named me a star)
长大后 (Now I grew up)
现在的我发光闪晶晶 (And now I’m shining so bright)

They said, “Always keep your light beaming”.
这个世界很多地方 需要你我他的爱 (All the different corners of the world need your love)
Baby 不要再哭泣 (Baby don’t be afraid)

这条路上 (On this journey)
每个人对你说的做的 不一定真心 (Everything they told you might not be the truth)
Let ’em be
你高高在上 我只欣赏 (I’m looking at you pretending, your ego is high at up there)
你随风荡漾 我不紧张 (You’re rippling with the wind, but I’m just calm right here)

I’m just chillin, meniling
一边走着 一边看着星星 (Walking while looking at the stars)
别惊奇 (No more surprises)
别怀疑 (No more doubts)
This energy is what you need

Let’s make some noise
They can’t avoid
Can’t waste no time
Find your design

Design, design, design, design
Design, design, design, design
Design, design, design, design
Design, design, Find your design

Design, design, design, design
Design, design, design, design
Design, design, design, design
Design, design, design, design

Body flow with the beat yea yea, 130 bpm yea yea
Body flow with, flow with, Body flow with, flow with
Body flow with the beat yea yea, 130 bpm yea yea,
b b bpm yea yea, b b bpm yea yea

IG: @leanordinario
YT: Lean Ordinario
FB: lonerrecordings

Other LONER‘s archives:
日本語: #loner
English: #loner-en

TW: @supershelhiel
YT: @Shelhiel
SC: shelhiel
FB: supershelhiel

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