[UK🇬🇧/PH🇵🇭]beabadoobee – ‘Our Extended Play’ (ep) [en]

[UK🇬🇧/PH🇵🇭]beabadoobee – ‘Our Extended Play’ (ep) [en]

『Best of 2021. The Philippines’ finest and the new face of the UK, ‘beabadoobee’, released ep ‘Our Extended Play’ in June 2021. Work together with label heads Matthew & George from The 1975, this is a wonderful collection of bea’s softly vocal on delicate and romantic sound productions. In particular, ‘Last Day On Earth’ is a classic that will go down in UK Rock history. Must listen.』

C: UK, Philippines
T: Our Extended Play
A: beabadoobee
P: Matthew Healy, George Daniel, Joseph Rogers
F: ep
L: Dirty Hit
R: 2021/06/23

IG: @radvxz
TW: @beabad00bee
SC: @beabadoobee
YT: beabadoobee
GS: beabadoobee

※Band Member
IG: @_femalien

Jacob Bugden(Gt)
IG: @jacobbugden

louis semlekan-faith(Dr)
IG: @liptonlouiis

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