[JP🇯🇵/US🇺🇸]CHAI feat. Ric Wilson – ‘Maybe Chocolate Chips'[en]

[JP🇯🇵/US🇺🇸]CHAI feat. Ric Wilson – ‘Maybe Chocolate Chips'[en]

『World-famous Japanese Pop Band ‘CHAI’ released new song ‘Chocolate Chip Maybe’ feat. upcoming rapper ‘Ric Wilson’ from their 3rd album ‘WINK’ released in May. It’s a moody nice tune that mana’s soft and generous voocal and Ric’s friendly flow matched on smooth track by ‘BIGYUKI’. Must check.』

C: Japan, US
T: Maybe Chocolate Chips
F: Ric Wilson
P: BIGYUKI, Ryu Takahashi
F: Single (from up coming 3rd Album ‘WINK’ | 2021/05/21 out)
L: OTEMOYAN record / Sub Pop Records
R: 2021/02/24

IG: @CHAIofficialJPN
TW: @CHAIofficialJPN
YT: CHAI official
GS: Chai-jpn
HP: chai-band.com

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