[SG🇸🇬/IN🇮🇳]Yung Raja – ‘The Dance Song'[en]

[SG🇸🇬/IN🇮🇳]Yung Raja – ‘The Dance Song'[en]

『Def Jam Singapore’s Indian Rapper ‘YUNG RAJA’ released new song ‘The Dance Song’. Mad Pop tune that RAJA’s Skillful Flow matched Dope and Pop Track by his fellow FlightSch.』/

🌟: ★★★☆☆/
▶️: MV, Streaming/
👅: Mad Pop

C: Singapore, India
T: The Dance Song’
A: Yung Raja
P: FlightSch
F: Single
L: Def Jam Singapore
R: 2020/10/09

Yung Raja
IG: @yungraja
YT: YungRajaOfficial
GS: Yung-raja

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