[UK🇬🇧/PH🇵🇭]beabadoobee – ‘Fake It Flowers’ (Album)[en]

[UK🇬🇧/PH🇵🇭]beabadoobee – ‘Fake It Flowers’ (Album)[en]

『’beabadoobee’ released the long-awaited Debut Album ‘Fake It Flowers’. It is a good work that you can feel the grown cool bea that bea’s voice matched to the varietyful from the smooth sound of beautiful melody to the alternative sound with the intensity of 90’s rock.』/

🌟: ★★★★☆/
▶️: MV, Streaming/
👅: Pop

C: UK, Philippine
T: Fake It Flowers
A: beabadoobee
P: beabadoobee, Callum Harrison, Joseph Rodgers, Pete Robertson
F: Album
L: Dirty Hit
R: 2020/10/16

IG: @radvxz
TW: @beabad00bee
SC: @beabadoobee
YT: beabadoobee
GS: beabadoobee

※Band Member
IG: @_femalien

Jacob Bugden(Gt)
IG: @jacobbugden

louis semlekan-faith(Dr)
IG: @liptonlouiis

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Eng: #beabadoobee-en

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