[US🇺🇸]Silver Sphere – ‘yikes!'(EP)[en]

[US🇺🇸]Silver Sphere – ‘yikes!'(EP)[en]

『Introducing one of the best of 2019, US Singer ‘Silver Sphere”s EP ‘yikes!’. It is a wonderful work like a toy jewelry box that combines the transparent catchy voice of Silver Sphere and the pop track by Zach Fogarty and others.』/

🌟: ★★★★☆/
▶️: MV, Streaming/
👅: Fresh

T: yikes!
A: Silver Sphere
P: Ceci G, Charles Klarsfeld, Chris Plante, D.A.G.R., Dan Alvarez, Harry Burr, Larzz Principato, Roger Kleinman, Veronica Wyman, Zachary Seamen, Zach Fogarty
F: EP(8songs)
L: Human Re Sources
R: 2019/10/02

Silver Sphere
IG: @silver.sphere
TW: @thesilversphere
YT: Silver Sphere
GS: Silver Sphere

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