v e r β ( u n d e r _ r e n o v a t i o n )
[US🇺🇸]Teezo Touchdown – ‘Mid’ (和訳)

[US🇺🇸]Teezo Touchdown – ‘Mid’ (和訳)

『Tyler, The Creatorの新作にもfeatされた ‘Teezo Touchdown’ が架空の街 ‘Midville’ の市長選のキャンペーンソングとなる新曲 ‘Mid’ を公開。Lowでloudなtrackの上で、”Get the mid off the street(streetからmidを取り除け)” (*Mid = 平均に妥協し最高を目指さない状態)と繰り返し唱え、リスナーを鼓舞する啓発tuneです。FACE紙でのMidについての質疑と歌詞を訳したのでCheckしてみてください。』

T: Mid
A: Teezo Touchdown
P: Teezo Touchdown
F: Single
L: (Not specified)
R: 2021/07/17

FACE: ミッドとは何ですか?なぜそれがそのような問題なのですか?
 [What is Mid and why is it such a problem?]

Teezo: それは平均的で、改善の余地があるものです。それは、あなたが最高の状態になるのを妨げます。私たちが作る音楽や芸術は永遠に続くものですが、Midの問題点はそれが自己満足(ひとりよがり)を生み出すことです。それはポイ捨てのようで、あなたはゴミをそこらに捨てたくないはずです。 “StreetからMidをどかせ(Get the mid off the street)”というコピーは、クリエイターに対して良い手本を残すような行動を促すものです。私は私を尊敬する人々の存在を知っていて、そして私は私の後に続く人々のためにこれをしています。
 [It’s something average, that could be better. It’s the thing stopping you from being the best you can be. The music and art we make lasts forever and the problem with Mid is that it creates complacency. It’s like littering, you don’t want to leave trash lying around. ​“Get the mid off the street” is a call to action for creators to make sure you leave a good example. I know I’ve got people looking up to me and I’m doing this for the people who come after me.]

from FACE magazine interview
“Rid the Mid: Teezo Touchdown needs your vote”

Teezo Touchdown - 'Mid' (和訳)

 [Get the mid off the streets (Rid the mid)]
 [Get the mid off the streets (Rid the mid)]
 [Get the mid off the streets (Rid the mid)]
 [Get the mid off the streets (Rid the mid)]

 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]
 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]
 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]
Streetからmidをどかせ、Streetからmidをどかせ (中世)
 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets (Medieval times)]

 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]
Streetからmidをどかせ (Midライフを送る危機)、Streetからmidをどかせ
 [Get the mid off the streets (Midlife crisis), get the mid off the streets]
 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]
 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]

質 (Shh)
 [Quality (Shh)]
より量 (聴いて)
 [Over quantity (Listen)]
君はワナビー (これは最高の部分)
 [You a wanna-be (This is the best part)]
君はミニミー (これは最高の部分)
 [You a mini-me (This is the best part)]

 [You a pipsqueak]
 [You officially the mayor of Mid]
 [This your city]
 [And it's filthy, we gotta clean up the streets]

 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]
 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]
 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]
Streetからmidをどかせ、Streetからmidをどかせ (中世)
 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets (Medieval times)]

 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]
Streetからmidをどかせ (Midライフを送る危機)、Streetからmidをどかせ
 [Get the mid off the streets (Midlife crisis), get the mid off the streets]
 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]
Streetからmidをどかせ、Streetからmidをどかせ (中世)
 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets(Medieval times)]

私は、ミッド町の町長として (Midライフを送る危機)
 [I, as the mayor of Midville (Midlife crisis)]
 [Will make it my mission]
街角の隅々にミッドウォッチを配置します (中世)
 [To place a mid watch on every street corner (Medieval times)]

民間人の家に除湿機を設置します (Midライフを送る危機)
 [To put a dehumidifier in the homes of the civilians (Midlife crisis)]
 [Every baby will be delivered with a midwife]
 [We will get rid of the mid, we will get rid of the mid (Medieval times)]

 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]
Streetからmidをどかせ (Midライフを送る危機)、Streetからmidをどかせ
 [Get the mid off the streets (Midlife crisis), get the mid off the streets]
 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]
Streetからmidをどかせ、Streetからmidをどかせ (中世の)
 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets(Medieval times)]

 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]
Streetからmidをどかせ (Midライフを送る危機)、Streetからmidをどかせ
 [Get the mid off the streets (Midlife crisis), get the mid off the streets]
 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]
 [Get the mid off the streets, get the mid off the streets]

*Midlife crisis:本来は「中年期の鬱」

Teezo Touchdown
TW: @teezotouchdown
YT: Teezo Touchdown
SC: teezotouchdown
GS: Teezo-touchdown
HP: www.teezotouchdownmusic.com

other Teezo‘s archives:
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Eng: #TeezoTouchdown-en

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