『Serena Isioma, one of the most rose up artist in 2020, released a new song ‘Voulez-Vous Me To…’. This is Dope tune that the lyrics that sing a struggle for love persons on spacy track. The feeling of the lyrics is similar to Nariaki Obukuro’s ‘WORK’ that dropped yesterday. Check it!』
T: Voulez-Vouz Me To…
A: Serena Isioma
P: Victor Internet
F: Single/EP
L: Serena Isioma
R: 2021/09/08
Serena Isioma(HL)
IG: @serenaisioma
TW: @serenaisioma
YT: Serena Isioma
SC: serenaisioma
GS: Serena-isioma
HP: serenaisioma.com