『Best of 2021. Taiwanese world-famous oriental shoegaze rock band ‘I Mean Us’ released the long-awaited new album ‘Into Innerverse’. This is a unique and pure chaotic sound created by combining the delicate and beautiful melody and powerful groove with the contrasting twin vocals of transparent Mandark and cool Chun Zhang. The previous work ‘OST’ was also the best, but this work it is also the best. Check it!』
C: Taiwan
T: Into Innerverse
A: I Mean Us
F: Rhydian Vaughan/鳳小岳
P: 韓立康
F: Album
L: 愛民如子有限公司(I Mean Us CO., LTD.)
R: 2021/10/15
I Mean Us
IG: @imeanus
TW: @imeanusband
SC: imeanusband
YT: I Mean Us
GS: I-mean-us
FB: IMeanUsBand
Chun Zhang(章 羣)(Gt/Vo)
IG: @zebrateens
TW: @zebrateens
Mandark(夏 日)(syn/Vl/Vo)
IG: @mandark.jpg
SC: mandark-ravel
Vitz Young(永 純)(Gt)
IG: @vitz08
Hank Chen(漢 克) (Ba)
IG: @hankchen0412
Pei-Peng Lu(佩 蓬)(Dr)
IG: @pplisalive