『Best of 2021. Korean Dream Pop artist ‘nijuu’ released a new song ‘나에 게로/Come To Me’ from the upcoming 2nd EP ‘nijuu in the forest'(will be release on 9/14 this fall). A romantic tune with a sense of Shoegaze, in which gradually heats up from silence draws the world view of lyrics in a dramatic manner along with the vocal. English translated by nijuu. Please check it out.』
C: Korea
T: Come To Me
A: nijuu
P: nijuu, Felix Davis
F: Single (from forthcoming album ‘nijuu in the forest’)
L: The state51 Conspiracy Ltd
R: 2021/06/21
nijuu – ‘나에게로/Come To Me’ English Lyric(Translate by nijuu)
Raise your sad eyes now
[이제 슬픈 눈을 거두고]
Come to me
[내게로 와요]
Take off your darkness
[어둠은 벗어 버리고]
Come to me
[내게로 와요]
You are my light
[그댄 나의 빛]
Come to me
[내게로 와요]
After many days passed
[오랜 날이 지나고]
Only ashes left, flew away
[다 타버린 후에 날아간 후에]
I will embrace your broken heart
[남아있는 마음 까지 끌어안을 테니]
This desert like place
[사막 같은 이 곳에서]
I am water
[나는 물]
I am forests
[나는 숲]
I am flowers
[나는 꽃]
I am shade
[나는 그늘]
I am the sunshine
[나는 햇빛]
I am 4 seasons
[나는 계절]
I can be anything
[나는 무엇도 될 수 있어]
IG: @nijuu_nijuu
TW: nijuu10
YT: joyuyuyu
SC: cinagronijuu
GS: Nijuu
FB: cinagronijuu