v e r β ( u n d e r _ r e n o v a t i o n )
[US🇺🇸]Huron John – ‘Common Ground'(en)

[US🇺🇸]Huron John – ‘Common Ground'(en)

『Best of 2021. Chicago indie pop artist ‘Huron John’, who brought us the best album in 2020, released new song ‘Common Ground. It’s relaxing nice tune that soft vocal on smooth & groovy mid-tempo track. Must check.』

T: Common Ground
A: Huron Johne
P: John Wallace Conradi
F: Single (from fc Album ‘Cartoon Therapy’)
L: Almist Outside Creative Arts
R: 2021/03/17

Huron John
IG: @huronjohnny
YT: huronjohn
GS: Huron-john
HP: www.huronjohn.co

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Eng: #huron-john-en

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