『Represent Southwest Japan ‘Bege fastmanjin’ released new EP ‘ベゲとの遭遇(Encounter to Bege)’. It’s 7 tracks of hardcore and austere tracks. It’s a masculine EP that balances the personalities of the five members: floatin’ Maiji, freaky Louis, choppin Big Evis, roaring Inako, and insane Young Makon. Play it loud!』
C: Japan
T: ベゲとの遭遇
A: ベゲfastman人
P: 5huh31, Gerardparman, RP BEATS, Beast Inside Beats
L: melo soda
R: 2021/04/03
IG: @begefastmanjin
TW: @begefastmanjin
other ベゲfastman人 archives
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Eng: #bege-fastman-jin-en