v e r β ( u n d e r _ r e n o v a t i o n )
[US🇺🇸]Huron John – ‘Apocalypse Wow’ (Album)(en)

[US🇺🇸]Huron John – ‘Apocalypse Wow’ (Album)(en)

『One of the Best of 2020 comin’. This is Chicago Indie Pop Artist ‘Huron John’ ‘s 1st Album ‘Apocalypse Wow’ released in April. It’s so beautiful works that’s John’s gentle voice matched warmy toned synth tracks. Good for chill.』/

🌟: ★★★★★/
▶️: MV, Streaming/
👅: Relax

T: Apocalypse Wow
A: Huron John
F: Luke Prost, Claire Ernst
P: Huron John
F: Album
L: Almist Outside
R: 2020/04/22

Huron John
IG: @huronjohnny
YT: huronjohn
GS: Huron-john
HP: www.huronjohn.co

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