v e r β ( u n d e r _ r e n o v a t i o n )
[US🇺🇸/MX🇲🇽]Jean Dawson – ‘Pixel Bath’ (Album)(en)

[US🇺🇸/MX🇲🇽]Jean Dawson – ‘Pixel Bath’ (Album)(en)

『US Alternative Rapper ‘Jean Dawson’ released the long-awaited 2nd Alum ‘Pixel Bath’. Total Produced by ‘Zach Forgarty’ who produce Roy Blair’s Classic. This is like Emo Beat Punk 2020, The best Mixture sound collection that combines of melancholic melody with various Drums and Bass. ‘ASAP Rocky’ feat in ‘Triple Double’ did dope verse. Also includes the BLM song ‘policia’, which was distributed only on BC and YT. 2020 must-listen album. Let you.』/

🌟: ★★★★☆/
▶️: MV, Streaming/
👅: Pop
C: Us, Mexico
T: Pixel Bath
A: Jean Dawson
F: A$AP Rocky
TP: Zach Fogarty
P: Blake Slatkin, George Flint, Henry Flint, Hoskins, Jean Dawson, Jim-E Stack, Zach Fogarty
F: Album
L: P+
R: 2020/10/23

Jean Dawson
IG: @jeandawsn
TW: @jeandawsn
GS: Jean-dawson
HP: jeandawson.com

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