『The Japanese rapper ‘Colte’ (Maerd54) ,who will change this game, , has released Debut EP ‘Ripper Roo’. 5 songs like greetings which is a fusion of Gerardparman’s Dope Beats and Colte’s varietiful Flow. Listen to “Cookpit”.』/
🌟: ★★★☆☆/
▶️: MV, Streaming/
👅: Fresh
T: Ripper Roo
A: Colte(Maerd54)
P: Gerardparman
F: EP(5songs)
L: melo soda
R: 2020/09/06
Colte(Maerd54/Melo Soda)
IG: @mr.colteman
TW: @Maerd54_BANDII
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・Colte (en)