『Grecian finest ‘Washed Out’ has released 2 song EP ‘Time to Walk Away’ from the forthcoming album ‘Purple Noon’. It’s a wonderful work match between the magnificent Sound Scape and Washed Out’s voice. Recomend both songs. Expecting an album.』/
🌟: ★★★★★/
▶️: MV, Streaming/
👅: Fantastic
C: Greece
T: Time to Walk Away
A: Washed Out
P: Washed Out
F: EP(2songs from the forthcoming album ‘Purple Noon’ (Release Date: 08/07/2020))
L: Sub Pop Records
R: 2020/06/30
Washed Out
IG: @realwashedout
TW: @realwashedout
YT: Washed Out
HP: https://washedout.net/