『UK Philippino Singer ‘No Rome’ has released a new song ‘1:45AM’ featuring BROCKHAMPTON’s star ‘Bearface’ from the upcoming Album ‘everything but in low light / forever’. It’s a Romantic tune that 2 Moody voices matched an aesthetic 2step Track by MJ Cole and George Daniel.』/
🌟: ★★★☆☆/
▶️: MV, Streaming/
👅: Romantic
C: UK, Philippines
T: 1:45AM
A: No Rome
P: MJ Cole, George Daniel, No Rome
F: Single(from forth coming Album ‘everything but in low light / forever’)
L: Dirty Hit
R: 2020/07/30
[UK🇬🇧/PH🇵🇭]No Rome
IG: @noromeworldwide
TW: @no_rome
YT: no rome
GS: No-rome
HP: noromeworldwide.com
IG: @bearfaceington
TW: @bearfaceington
GS: Bearface