『The genius Guitarist ‘Ohzora Kimishima’ and ‘Moeka’ Shiotsuka’ (Hitsuji Bungaku) has released a cover of the Tavito
Nanao’s Classic ‘Circus Night’. It’s nice tune that matches the Kimishima’s Dramatic and Smooth performance and the Shiotsuka’s Delicate and Powerful voice .』/
🌟: ★★★★☆/
▶️: Streaming/
👅: Sweet
C: Japan
T: Circus Night(Tavito Nanao Cover)
A: Ohzora Kimishima and Moeka Shiotsuka
P: Ohzora Kimishima,Moeka Shiotsuka
F: Single
L: Ohzora Kimishima and Moeka Shiotsuka
R: 2020/06/24
君島大空(Ohzora Kimishima)
IG: @ohzora_kimishima
TW: @ohzr_kshm
SC: ohzorakimishima
HP: ohzorafeedback.wixsite.com/hainosokomade
塩塚モエカ(Moeka Shiotsuka)
IG: @hiz_s
TW: @moekashiotsuka
HP(羊文学): https://hitsujibungaku.jimdofree.com/