『A Real World Cyber Rap, from the Past that the Future had Passed after.』/
●: ★★★☆☆/
▶️: MV/
👅: Experimental HIPHOP
N: Dos Monos
F: Audrey Tang/唐鳳
T: Civil Rap Song
P: Dos Monos & Kei Wakabayashi
F: Single
L: Dos Monos
R: 2020/05/27
Dos Monos
TW: @dosmonostres
SC: @dos-monos
YT: Dos Monos
没(Botsu) a.k.a NGS
IG: @botsu_ngs
TW: @botsu_ngs
YT: bad hair on stage
IG: @so_shi_it
TW: @ZoZhit
SC: zozhit
IG: @tai_____tan/
TW: @tai_tan