『Cautious Clay, Remi Wolf, Still Woozy, Sophie Meiers, Claud, Melanie Faye and HXNS have released a COVID-19 Fund Donation Single “Cheesin ‘” ‘ MV. Jazzy, smooth, groovy and thrilling Great Performances & Vocal work. The Ambition, The Quality, Both are Really Wonderful. 』/
🌟: ★★★★★/
▶️: MV, Streaming/
👅: Jazzy, Smooth, Dreamy, Mellow, Groovy, thrilling, Pop,
N: Cautious Clay, Remi Wolf, Still Woozy, Sophie Meiers, Claud, Melanie Faye & HXNS
T: Cheesin’
P: Cautious Clay & HXNS
F: Single
L: Slow Play
R: 2020/05/22(MV), 2020/04/22(Streaming)
Cautious Clay
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Still Woozy
TW: @still_woozy
IG: @still_woozy
YouTube: Still Woozy