v e r β ( u n d e r _ r e n o v a t i o n )
[UK🇬🇧]easy life – ‘Spaceship Mixtape'(EP)[en]

[UK🇬🇧]easy life – ‘Spaceship Mixtape'(EP)[en]

『Introducing the 6-track EP’Spaceship Mixtape’ released in March by UK-based band “Easy Life” that wrapped the charm of Indie Rock and HIPHOP lightly.』/

🌟: ★★★★☆/
▶️: MV, Streaming/
👅: Smooth

T: Spaceship Mixtape
N: Easy Life
P: Easy Life
F: EP/6songs)
L: Island Record
R: 2019/03/18(Streaming)

easy life
IG: @easylife
TW: @easylife
YT: Easy Life
GS: Easy-life
HP: www.easylifemusic.com

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